Shoutout and Google Earth info for NOSB Teams

Many thanks to the National Ocean Sciences Bowl teams who attended our core sampling workshop yesterday afternoon in Baltimore.  Becky, Jen, and I really had fun meeting and work with all of you!

As promised, here are the directions for locating all the drill sites and data since 1968.  This is a great way to explore scientific ocean drilling by geographical location or geological features.  In addition to the Google Earth files, you can explore IODP and other core photos and a little bit of physical data at CoreRef.  In fact, here are all the cores from the site you sampled.

These should be handy in case you’d like to do a research or science fair project of your own.  In closing, don’t forget you can arrange for your team or class to Skype directly with scientists onboard the JOIDES Resolution; see the JR Live link just to the right. →

To view scientific ocean drill sites and data with Google Earth:

1. Download and Install Google Earth into your computer.

2. Set Google Earth to open in “GL Mode.”

3.  Add the IODP web-based program:
a) Use Google Earth’s top menu to select Add – Network Link.
b) Customize the “Name” of the link (e.g. “IODP Boreholes”).
c) Copy and paste the following link:  into the “Link” field.
d) Hit OK.
e) Under Google Earth Places, check the named link you added to become active.
Wait 10 to 15 seconds for Google Earth to start loading data.
When the process is complete, the locations of boreholes drilled during DSDP,
ODP, and IODPS will be shown on the map.

4.  Have fun exploring!

Leslie, Becky, and Jen

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