Magnificence (back) at Fantangisna, and Playing Catch-up…
Sorry to have been offline so long – but we have been BUSY here! When I last blogged we were…
Sorry to have been offline so long – but we have been BUSY here! When I last blogged we were…
We are currently sailing north toward Asut Tesoru Seamount, after having spent a day pounding a stuck bridge plug down the…
We are at Official Lull 3 in our Mariana Forearc activities, at Fantangisna (formerly: Celestial) Seamount, currently 3/4 of the…
We are (at last) in the second official “lull” in coring, as they widen a 110 m deep hole at…
It’s been a busy number of days here on the JR since my last post! After a few more days…
It’s been a rather quiet couple days here on the JR, as the drillers have been diligently drilling what will…
Just coming off a seriously busy several days here on the JR, as we’ve been bringing up a bunch of…
OK – several blogs ago I promised to explain why this was THE Expedition I always wanted to be on,…
Well, it took more than a day to get core on deck! Our first drilling site was out on the…
Currently, we’re sailing for Yinazao (formerly Blue Moon) Seamount after a partly successful endeavor to un-CORK (i.e. remove a CORK-type…