Eastern Fram Strait Paleo-Archive

Eastern Fram Strait Paleo-Archive

Sediment drifts in the eastern Fram Strait hold vital clues to understanding our climate’s past. Expedition 403 seeks to get to the bottom of those clues starting early June. Led by Renata Giulia Lucchi and Kristen St. John, the goal is to drill at six primary sites along the western shore of Svalbard’s largest land mass.

Iberian Margin Paleoclimate

Iberian Margin Paleoclimate

Expedition 397 will drill into the Iberian Margin to collect sediment cores that provide high-resolution information about changing climate as far back as the Pliocene. Correlating data among marine, terrestrial, and ice data, will provide the greatest possible potential to reconstruct the natural variability of the North Atlantic climate (before human impact) at unprecedented temporal resolution back through the last 5 million years.

School of Rock 2008

School of Rock 2008

Using Ocean Cores to Explore Past Climate Change Deep Earth Academy (Consortium for Ocean Leadership) and the Integrated Ocean Drilling…

JOIDES Resolution