Return to Hole U1503A (South China Sea)

Return to Hole U1503A (South China Sea)

Expedition 368X was planned to reoccupy a site started by Expedition 368. Due to equipment breakdown during Expedition 368, Hole U1503A was abandoned after installing casing to 991.5 m below sea floor. Expedition 368X was able to take advantage of a unique opportunity in the JOIDES Resolution schedule.

School of Rock 2005

School of Rock 2005

An Ocean-going, Hands-on Research Expedition for Earth and Ocean Science Teachers The Integrated Ocean Drilling Program – United States Implementing…

South China Sea Rifted Margin B

South China Sea Rifted Margin B

Along the South China Sea Rifted Margin (SCSRM) a thinning crust of Earth’s outermost shell, the lithosphere, creates a mystery to unravel. Expeditions 367 and 368 of the International Ocean Discovery Program worked together over the course of 4 months at sea to uncover the processes of continental break up. By retrieving core samples from the bottom of the SCSRM the team of 66 international scientists looked back in time, the geologic record, at the opening of SCSRM.

South China Sea Rifted Margin A

South China Sea Rifted Margin A

Which tectonic model is the one in action in the South China Sea? One of these two already known or even a third one? This was the main goal of Expedition 367 (and 368 also) in the South China Sea (SCS). By drilling along the SCS rifted margin scientists wanted to understand the mechanisms of lithosphere extension during continental breakup in a magma-poor rifted margin.

JOIDES Resolution