Superfast Spreading Rate Crust 4
Following three previous expeditions to the same site, Expedition 335 “Superfast Spreading Rate Crust 4,” returned to ODP (Ocean Drilling Program) Hole 1256D. This site lies about 900 kilometers west of Costa Rica, in 15 million-year-old ocean crust dating back to a period of “super-fast” ocean crust formation, when the crust was forming at a faster rate than any ocean spreading occurring on our planet today. Hole 1256D penetrated about 1500 meters below the seafloor, and reached the base of the upper, volcanic crust. This expedition continued the mission to understand the formation of oceanic crust by deepening Hole 1256D and studying the magmatic rocks of the lower crust.
Read more about our scientific mission here. To see photos, visit the online photo album of the expedition.
Meet the 335 Bloggers
Benoit Ildefonse is co-chief of Expedition 335
Sarah Saunders – Sarah handles US communications for the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program.
JR Junior – A blog for kids and students about the science and scientists of this expedition (written by Kevin Kurtz).
Educator Ideas – A blog with activity ideas that teachers can use to help their students understand the science of this expedition (written by Kevin Kurtz).